MetroSonic Spotlight: Michael Stosic

Hailing from Reno, Nevada, Singer-Songwriter Michael Stosic is on the verge of another musical breakthrough with his upcoming album! The album, Welcome Home, will be comprised of some of his most emotionally charged lyrics and has a release date of early 2016. Stosic’s musical career began back in 1986 in the Gospel music world when […]

Nick low-beer tracking

Producer Nick Low-Beer building new tracks

  The last time our friend, DJ/producer Nick Low-Beer was here he was lending a hand manning the turntables for our party.  This time around we find him building beats for some of the new tracks he is producing.   Our in studio video of Nick offers a behind the scenes look at him creating […]

Former Mattison, 79.5

Surprise Performance by Mattison

Oh to the musician playing their tunes on the subway platform. At times they are somewhat frustrating and on other occasions  lending a soft sound to ease tension while getting off and on the horrible torture device known to New Yorkers as the subway. I have indefinitely passed hundreds, if not thousands, during my six […]

Former Mattison, 79.5


We just wrapped up a round of tracking and mixing with Mattison (Kate Mattison: keyboards & lead vocals, Jay Steinhauer: bass, and Angel: drums & vocals).  Pete engineered with Terry assisting.  The music was great and the band was a real pleasure to work & hang with.  I always prefer analog/tape-based projects and this one offers a […]