MetroSonic Recording Studio NYC

MetroSonic Recording Studio NYC

MetroSonic has been among Brooklyn’s premier recording studios providing live tracking, mixing, mastering and music promotion services since 1991. MetroSonic closed in 2017. The pages on this website have been left active as a means to archive all the the wonderful music produced by the talented artists that we have been so honored to work with as well as the engineers and assistants that made it all possible.

Our Services

  • music production studios nyc

    Music Production

    The best of classic analog meets state of the art digital audio recording!

  • Online Mastering and Mixing

  • Music Promotion & Video Production

    You focus on the music We'll help with the business!

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    Music Production at MetroSonic Recording Studios in NYC

    Classic Analog meets state-of-the-art at our recording studios in NYC

    MetroSonic Recording Studios NYC offers complete album production & pre-recording, scoring & arranging, tracking, mixing & mastering, as well as vintage instrument rental, post production, voice over, and forensic audio services for valued customers.

    For labels, producers and artists working between multiple locations and looking for the perfect place to cut basic tracks, do a critical overdub or mix your album on a vintage console with first-call gear and engineers, MetroSonic Music Studio New York is a great choice.

    • Schedule at MetroSonic Music Studio New York

      Call to schedule a recording session with MetroSonic Music Studio!