MetroSonic needs your Vote!
MetroSonic is currently engaged in Chase Bank and Living Social’s Mission Small Business competition for a $250,000 grant! Only problem is, we need YOUR vote to qualify to be among the businesses being considered. Check out the personal message from Pete below!
“This grant has the power to change our lives and keep MetroSonic moving in a positive direction. It will allow us to increase the scope and quality of the services we provide. It will create jobs and we believe will have a positive impact on our music community. We have big plans, but our goals are realistic and will be achievable from a larger, more stable location to operate from. With the proper funding, we would be able to build a more functional and lasting home for Metrosonic. We’re hopeful that you will support our exciting plans for growth into the future.”
Pete Mignola (Studio Owner/Chief Engineer)
We need 250 votes by June 30th to qualify for the grant. Please take the time and visit https://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/ and log in with your Facebook account. Search for “MetroSonic” on the bottom of the page and just click vote to support us.
Easy, right?
Your vote means the world to us, so please give us your support and help secure a future for MetroSonic.
Thank you,
MetroSonic (Pete, Terry, Adam and Ryan)